Saturday, July 2, 2011

I haven't posted in awhile (obviously). I don't like to "talk" when I am irritated and for approximately the last two weeks, I have been a little bit perturbed. Why? Well, as it turns out, I have really started to like running. It's quite miraculous because a month ago I still despised it, but did it because it was the fastest, easiest, and cheapest way to burn calories. I progressed at a snails pace, but gradually increased speed and distance. Then one day, about a month ago, I said to myself, "that was sort of fun." I'm not sure if that's exactly how it went, but I have started to really like running: there is something about not needing anything but a pair of sneakers-- and truly you don't even need them. I am all for minimalism.

So, now back to why I was irritated: INJURY! I am still not sure if I hurt my Achilles or peroneal tendon (or maybe it was neither), but what I do know is I could barely walk let alone run. Talk about frustrating! I believe it had something to do with running on sand over vacation. I had just cancelled my YMCA membership, but thankfully it is paid through mid-July so I have been able to use the recumbent bike and run in the pool while waiting for my ankle to heal. Well, last night, I was able to fast walk three miles with little pain. I am so thankful, because, honestly, I was beginning to worry that I'll never run again. I know that sounds crazy, but I can't remember ever being injured before and I was so disappointed that I just started worrying when I should have had more faith. I knew my mom, daughters, and Crystal were praying for me, and for that I am VERY thankful.

Tonight I will be heading out to walk again. My goal is to run a short distance Monday and see how my ankle responds. I'm hoping for the best!


  1. Tanya I'm so glad you are able to get back out there even if it isnt a run, a fast walk is great! You were limping last time I saw you. God is healing you and I will continue to pray my friend!!!!
    Love ya!
