Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Wow! What a nice, relaxing vacation. :) The first day I woke up at my normal 4am start time, but by the second morning, I had the sleeping-in thing figured out, and managed to remain in bed until nearly 8am! Pretty impressive I'd say. My parents were the only other ones up at this time, but they are seniors now, and I guess that's what seniors do-- get up at the crack of dawn, read the paper, and go out for breakfast.

I started each day with a small run: part road, part beach. Yes, I know I was on vacation, but I still wanted to keep up the miraculous momentum I've had these months since my first 5k in April. I imagined it would be majestic running on the beach-- like in a movie or on a cool, inspiring poster you see in the dentist's office, but it was actually pretty difficult. Walking was nice, but running on the sand (yes, I ran on the wet sand) was killer. But what was super cool was when my feet landed back on the road after being in the sand; I felt so light and fast. It was really neat. Not neat enough to do it again though. The next morning, I stuck to the road and took a slow walk on the beach with my girls later that day.

We cruised up and down the boardwalks of Ocean City, MD and Rehobeth. (I preferred the latter.) I enjoyed the quaint shops of Rehobeth and a little smoothie bar named the "Greenman". I spent very little money (yay), but did buy some running apparel at the outlets for dirt cheap-- pretty pumped about my pink Under Armor Shirt :)

It was too short a vacation, but I am very thankful I was blessed to have it. My parents picked a beautiful home overlooking the bay, my girls got to spend time with their cousins, and I got to be with my sister.


  1. Awesome! I'm sure you had a great time. I was never with the Masons when I didn't have a great time. :)

    Glad you had a relaxing trip. Rehoboth doesn't hold many happy memories for me, (We pastored there before you all rescued and brought us to Ephrata.) but we do go back there occasionally and it's nice to do so.

  2. Sounds great!! I cant believe you're still running!! I'm so impressed!!! Go Tanya!
