Friday, June 10, 2011

Countdown to vacation

I am up at 4am, 365 days a year, to do a paper route. I've thought of quitting a million and one times, but can't stand the thought of giving up the money. It started as my daughters route and when afternoon routes were cut two years ago, we accepted a morning route. It proved to be too early for my teen, but I ended up keeping it for myself after getting used to the cash. :) Most of it goes to extras and savings, and I can do my route and be back home before the girls even know I was gone. It works out very well with homeschooling and I have a great sub for when I want to take off. I have not taken a day in eight months, so I am very much looking forward to our mini-vacation to the beach this Thursday through Sunday. "Sleeping in" will be wonderful, although my idea of "sleeping in" probably won't be later than 7am. I'm even more excited about staying up past 9pm. I wonder what goes on in the world that late at night? I'll find out in five days!

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