Saturday, June 4, 2011

It's been a good week-- although I had to look at my calendar to see what I did over the past few days :). I am continuing to tackle the garage, and it is looking wonderful-- that is compared to what our garage has looked like over the first 17 years of our marriage. I consider my husband a "pack rat", but he is learning to give things up. Although he still has his Nintendo from the early 1990's. I, however, do not like clutter, and think hard about what is important to keep. If it were up to me, I would move into a 500 square foot tiny house when our girls are married and on their own. I don't like to take up a lot of space and I think I would enjoy the freedom a small place and minimalist lifestyle would afford me. My hubby does not agree, but I shall keep working on him over the next 5-10 years. I certainly don't wish my daughters out and get "empty nest" just thinking about it. But I do enjoy looking at tiny-house plans from time to time.


  1. Tanya you're so sweet! I cant ever imagine wanting to live in a tiny house. I think even after all my kids are moved out I will have a ton of grandkids!! lol

  2. Nintendo from the 90's does count as important.
