Four more days until Phoebe comes home!!! I can't wait! She was supposed to come up by car with her grandmother yesterday, but plans changed. She is now flying up on Wednesday with her friend and a friend of Olivia's. Their friends will be visiting for a week. We have many fun things planned such as seeing Harry Potter 7 in IMAX, glow-in-the-dark mini-golf, and Hershey Park. I am sure shopping will be on their agenda as well. But that they will have to do that on their own because I'd rather get a filling than shop at the mall. Now that I can no longer shop at Gymboree for my "little girls", shopping has completely lost its appeal.
Today, Olivia and I plan on continuing our organizing frenzy begun yesterday. She turned their bedroom and closet upside down making it look absolutely amazing! I organized my desk and the school supplies as I plan on ordering this years school books in the next week or so.
Well, I'm off to do chores! :) Happy Saturday all.